Radio Ozodi’s special interview with Turaj Atobaki, professor of Leden University in the Netherlands.
The leading Iranian scientist, professor of the University of Leden in the Netherlands, researcher of the social history of the Middle East and Central Asia, professor Turaj Atobaki, was a guest of Radio Ozodi. At the beginning of the 1990s, he visited Tajikistan a lot and organized clubs.
He says that the period of cooperation between Iran and Tajikistan can be divided into three stages, one of which coincided with the period of the civil war and the other with reconciliation between the government forces and the opposition. The second period is more security cooperation between the two countries, and the third period is after 2015, when the political opposition forces left Tajikistan.
These and other topics, including the threat of the Taliban, the war in the Middle East, the role of Russia in the region, were discussed in the conversation with Turaj Atobaki.
Source : Радио Озоди