After the implementation of a government decision in October, hundreds of sales vehicles manufactured until 2013 were stuck at the customs stations of Tajikistan. The traders say that they had a plan to make a profit, but they have been wandering for about three months.
“Hyundai Avanta”, “Sonata”, “Porter”…
The temporary station attached to the Customs Office in the city of Bustan, Sughd region, is full of “old” foreign vehicles day and night. Cars brought from abroad by businessman Ismailjon Normatov are also there.
On December 7, he said: “12 of my cars are lying at the station. Types of “Hyundai-Avanta”, “Sonata”, “Porter” and similar. Made in South Korea. All these have been open for about a month and some for twenty days. If our cars get stuck, we will be without money and we will not be able to work anymore.”
Based on the decision of the government, it is forbidden to bring cars produced before 2013 to the territory of Tajikistan. The authorities call the main purpose “protection of life and health of people and protection of the environment”.
Some of the businessmen say that they bought the cars early and planned to import them to Tajikistan in order to fulfill the decision, but they missed the opportunity due to some problems on the way. Mehrob Mirzoev’s six cars are now at the “Kuhna” station, and, according to him, “two diagr containers are still on the way.”
“It all depends on the road. For example, there is a typhoon in Korea and traffic is delayed for several weeks. Because of this, it did not arrive on time,” he said.
Ismailjon Normatov pointed to this problem: “The cars I bought were put on the road in June-July. The reason for the delay is due to the road. Some of the cars stay on the road for a month. For example, in Iran, at the checkpoints.”
The response of the authorities
25 cars of Husniddin Qabilov are also parked in the temporary parking lot in Boston. He cannot move them forward or backward. According to him, the problem was caused by the fault of trucking companies.
Now, for each car, 5 to 10 somoni per day has been set as a rental fee, which has made the situation of traders difficult. Husniddin Qabilov says, “We want to take into account our situation and ease our problems. Give us one more time to bring our goods to the market and continue our work.”
According to officials of the Customs Service of Tajikistan, some traders deliberately bring “old” cars from abroad despite the publication and implementation of the decision.
In a written response to Radio Ozodi, the Customs Department of the Sughd region described the situation as follows: “Until December 6, 1,600 vehicles manufactured before 2013 were collected at the temporary parking lot in Boston. Some of the entrepreneurs after the implementation of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan about the prohibition of such vehicles, they are still buying vehicles and importing them into the territory of the republic.”
No passenger cars are produced in Tajikistan. Cars are brought to the country mainly second-hand and from Europe, China, South Korea, Russia and America. According to the Customs Service, more than 36 thousand 800 cars were brought to Tajikistan in six months of this year.
Source : Радио Озоди