Author: Fariborz

With support from the European Union and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), a ‘marathon’ of high-level events was organized in February. Each event facilitated a deep dive into key components of the Tajik health system. The outcomes of the health systems marathon bring the country closer to ensuring quality health care is accessible and affordable for the entire population. The events were organized as part of the Health Development Programme, financed by the European Union. Tajikistan is currently implementing ambitious health reforms to make progress towards universal health coverage (UHC): access to quality health care for…

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Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says Pro-Western non-governmental organizations have intensified anti-Russian activities in Central Asia. Shoigu yesterday delivered a statement on the occasion of the Special Operations Forces Day at a meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Moscow. The statement, posted on the Russian Defense Ministry’s official website, in particular, notes that the situation in the Central Asian region remains complex. According to the minister, the greatest threat comes from the territory of Afghanistan. “Over the past year, the number of the ISIS militants increased by 15%” said Shoigu. “Their main goal is…

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An eighteen-year-old man was arrested in Dushanbe for torturing a teenager with an “electric shocker”. The video of the teenager’s suffering was posted on social networks on December 2 of this year and provoked the anger of many users. The Department of Internal Affairs of Dushanbe said in a statement on December 5 that Firdavs Qudratullozoda was arrested in connection with the incident. The opinion of the accused and his relatives is currently not available. Officials said, “the necessary materials for opening a criminal case have been prepared and the investigation is ongoing.” “The young man because he is a…

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The German magazine Der Spiegel published a cover about Ukraine with the title “Endless War.” He called the situation in Kyiv “between courage and despair.” “Now, when the second winter of the war begins, it is clear: hopes for a new turn of events were in vain. The war has turned into a positional one, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recently openly spoke about a “stalemate situation”. Only with heavy losses can the sides move the front line a little. That the military experts have known for a long time, the public now suspects: this war cannot be…

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Tajik authorities say that as a result of the flood that occurred on November 8-9 in Panj district, 6 residential buildings and 74 plots of land were damaged. No casualties were recorded. “Khovar” news agency writes with reference to the Committee of Emergency Situations of Tajikistan that heavy rains occurred in the territory of the village of “10th anniversary of State Independence” of Namuna rural community. In the explanation of the news, “as a result of the filling of the Ovzikent-2 drain, a flood occurred and damaged 6 residential buildings and 74 plots of land adjacent to the yard. Also, on this day, in…

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The President of Tajikistan said that against the background of new global threats and dangers, the “independence, freedom and stability of various countries of the world” have become vulnerable. Emomali Rahmon, who made this point on November 6 in his congratulatory message on the occasion of the Constitution Day of Tajikistan, called the constitution of Tajikistan “a provider of peace and tranquility, political stability, protection of state sovereignty and national unity.” He did not mention any country or hot spot in the world, but it is likely that he is referring to the war on the territory of Ukraine, which Russia started…

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It seems that the ice of relations between Dushanbe and Tehran is rapidly melting. Tajikistan and Iran have not had good relations for several years. They blamed each other for “missing money” and “supporting the Islamic opposition”. NEW SEASON? Nizamuddin Zahidi, Ambassador of Tajikistan to Iran, met with a representative of the Ministry of Energy of the Islamic Republic on October 22. The implementation of the Protocol of the 15th meeting of the Commission for Trade, Economic and Cultural Cooperation between Tajikistan and Iran was discussed in the conversation. A few days ago, on October 19, Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of…

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Against the background of Russia’s war in Ukraine, the countries of Central Asia have received unprecedented attention from global and regional players. For the first time on September 29, the city of Berlin hosted the heads of Central Asian countries in the C5+1 format . Ten days before that, a similar meeting with Joe Biden, the President of the United States, took place in New York . Trying to cooperate? The result of this meeting was a statement that announced the creation of a “regional strategic partnership” between Germany and the countries of Central Asia. The heads of the countries of the region declared their…

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Some of the opponents of the Tajik government in Europe say that the authorities have detained and interrogated several members of their family in the country. This news came after the protest rally on September 29, during the visit of President Emomali Rahmon to Germany. In the process, slogans against him were shouted and eggs were thrown at the car he was sitting in . Authorities in Tajikistan have not commented on the news about the arrests. Farhod Odinaev, an activist of an opposition group, told Radio Ozodi on September 30 that the security officials of the city of Hisar took his nephew away and…

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Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, using goods that they did not previously supply to each other, can increase mutual trade turnover by $70 million, Acting Deputy Minister of Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan Ilyas Ospanov told reporters at the business forum of the two countries in Dushanbe.“According to preliminary data, we looked at the commodity balance of countries, we see that, in principle, we have goods that are simply not traded among themselves and their turnover can easily reach $70 million. This is what is in Tajikistan, what is in Kazakhstan, but in principle there is no such trade,” he said.He noted…

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