Author: Ardshir

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan, March 7. President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and a delegation from the World Bank’s (WB) Board of Directors discussed enhancing the country’s economy resilience to threats and dangers, Trend reports. According to the Tajik president’s press service, the discussion touched upon the need for increased investment from development partners in various economic and social sectors of the country. The sides considered attracting additional investments essential for sustainable development, especially in education, healthcare, irrigation, agriculture, transportation, environmental protection, tourism development, strengthening disaster resilience, and advancing green economy initiatives alongside further digitalization in Tajikistan. The necessity for implementing consistent reforms to prevent and…

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The Ambassador of the European Union to Tajikistan, Raimundas Karoblis, was concerned about the closure of 700 public organizations in Tajikistan in the last year. Speaking at the civil society seminar of the European Union and Tajikistan, the head of the European Union delegation said that “700 public organizations were closed in Tajikistan last year, which is not in favor of democratization of the society.” Raimundas also said that we will continue our efforts to strengthen the cooperation between the civil society and the government, and the EU is ready to support this process more and put the world experience…

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A 21-year-old builder fell to the ground from the 18th floor of a building in the city of Kulob and died. Kulob commercial center is being built by “Komil-2010” company . According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company is registered in the name of Siyovush Zuhurov, one of the sons of Beg Sabur, the head of the Communications and Intelligence Service of the President of Tajikistan. The Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Kulob said on December 1 that the incident happened in the evening of November 25. “The incident occurred during work. The young man was taken…

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According to the opinion of its residents, the American Gallup Public Opinion Research Institute has named Tajikistan “the safest country in the world in 2023” in the ranking of countries in matters of law and order. But not everyone in Tajikistan agrees with this opinion. Observers say that there are many shortcomings in the activities of the Tajik police, such as human rights violations, corruption, and the use of force against residents. The American Gallup Public Opinion Research Institute wrote in its annual report “Gallup Research Law and Order Index” that 96 percent of Tajikistan’s population trusts the country’s police. Although this…

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“Informant”: Zaluzhny ahead of Zelensky in trust rating The trust rating of the Ukrainian population in the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Valeriy Zaluzhny exceeded that of the country’s President Vladimir Zelensky. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the sociological group “Rating,” the Ukrainian publication “Informator” reported on December 2. According to the study, 63% of respondents fully trust Zaluzhny, 19% “rather trust him.” Thus, the overall trust rating of the commander in chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is 82%. A similar figure for Zelensky is 72%, of which only 39% of Ukrainians fully trust…

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Frankfurt (3/12 – 12) The relatively rapid cohesion of disparate nations, historically competitive or even at war with one another, into the European Union came about in part because of the ongoing threat from the Soviet Union. The specter of a tank invasion from Warsaw Pact nations, today forgotten, was such a reality that the German government kept a major portion of its gold bullion across the Atlantic. The USSR, an ally in World War II after being double-crossed by Hitler – remember the “Non-Aggression Pact signed in Moscow by von Ribbentrop and Molotov – was soon appraised as a…

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The craft of a talented Russian woman, who is known in the south of Tajikistan for her beautiful embroidery and needlework and for sewing national clothes, was appreciated. After presenting the products of her hands, she received a grant of 10,000 somoni to develop her work and train other girls. She is 65-year-old Raisa Solovyova, a resident of Kubodiyan district of Tajikistan. At the age of seventeen, she liked a Tajik soldier in Kazakhstan and accepted the offer of marriage. In 1977, they moved from Kazakhstan to Tajikistan and stayed here. Raisa Soloveva said: “It was love. I stayed here, I have six…

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After re-admission to the International Mining Transparency Initiative, Tajikistan published its first report on this lucrative sector. The authorities said that in 2019-2021, several companies were granted the right to search and extract gold, silver and other precious minerals. Something that should have been published and made available to everyone a few years ago, but was not followed and the presence of Tajikistan in the International Transparency Initiative was temporarily suspended. Isfandiyor Yazdonzoda, coordinator of the Transparency Initiative in the field of mining in Tajikistan, attributed the late availability of the report to the spread of COVID-19. The authorities also mentioned…

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Rescuers of the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense of Tajikistan recovered from the river in Varzob the bodies of a woman and her newborn child who died as a result of a mudflow. Thus, the number of victims of the mudslide on August 28 reached 21 people. On August 30, the Committee for Emergency Situations and Civil Defense announced the discovery of 4 more bodies of those killed as a result of the disaster. “During the rescue operation and liquidation of the consequences of the natural disaster in the city of Vakhdat and the Varzob region, the bodies…

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Ukrainians and Israelis should not support those who harm relations between the two countries. Even when it comes to social networks. This opinion was expressed by Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Moshe Reuven Asman in an interview with RBC-Ukraine . He noted that Ukraine and Israel must do everything possible to prevent deterioration of relations. In his opinion, it is beneficial for both countries. “And not only profitable, but also correct, fair. A terrible war is going on in Ukraine. Israel helps, but you can try more. Moreover, I am ready to be authorized by the Ukrainian side, I will go to Israel, I will…

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